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At You Heal, we provide sessions to understand what ADH-(D) is, how to manage it in your daily life and make it work for you. We can also advise on natural treatments without the need for percription medication (which are often amphetamine based and can cause further implications later in life). Below are some quick facts but you can book in a consultation session to talk more about understanding ADHD in your world. 

It's time however to break an old and misguided diagnosis and start to look at a behavioural trait named ADHD in a new way - a hunters ancestral DNA struggling to find natural behaviours in an industrialised modern farmers world - Read on to our connecting article to finally learn who you are, feel understood, unbroken and discover your life purpose for the first time that might change your life forever. 
What is ADH-(D)

Here are some helpful FAQs but it's time we talk about ADHD in a new way. Read on to discover who you really are.

What is ADHD?

ADHD stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (but lets remove the Disorder part shall we!)  ADH- It is a neurodevelopmental characterised by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that can interfere with functioning and development. The mind works quickly, triggered by a hightened nervous system, with men often showing high levels of energy and women often with brain fog but this can apply to either sex. The brain can't process the information out as quickly as it is generating ideas and this creates confusion and the feeling of being out of control. 

What is VAST?

Variable Attention Stimulus Trait – similar to ADH-(D) in nearly every way apart from the cause. Simply ADH- or VAST are a way our minds cope with the world and put our minds into a state of creative daydream as a coping mechanism. Stress, anxiety and depression or any cause for our nervous system to feel out of control can cause similar effects as a response like ADH-(D)

Discover who you really are.

It's time for a new story. 

What causes ADHD?

Many things, mainly the stress of life, an industrial work, disconnection from nature and some form of emotional distress that affects the nervous system to such a degree, it’s defined as trauma. The response can be ADH- or VAST.  It can also be caused by genetics and passed down by the parents who are likely to also show ADH traits. It is common for families to identify a son or daughter that has ADH, then realise, they the parents have it too. 

How many people have ADH- or VAST

You are not alone by a long shot but like all personalities and fashions, there are thousands of spectrums of ADH- and VAST. Sometimes you may never know you have it apart from a few subtle aspects and for others, it can be quite evident. Studies range from 360 million worldwide to some leading researchers and universities believing over 1/3 of the global population has some ADH- spectrum. You might even say to have ADH is to be completely normal. 

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